Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dub's Playlist of the Week.

My playlist this week is going to be kind of short. The week has been dominated with Warhammer Online. I understand that Civ V was released this week and I do plan to play more of it, but WAR has really sunk its teeth into me. There was a little tiny bit of Bad Company 2 and Jolly Rover sprinkled in, but it's been all about WAR.


Yeebo said...

Glad to hear you are still enjoying it. Would be interested to hear what you have been up to.

Marty Runyon said...

Stay far away from Civ V if you value your sleep. I've played it three times and my bedtimes ended up at 3am, 3am, and 4am!

Jayedub said...

@Yeebo - well, maybe I can work on something.

@Anjin - there is no staying away from Civ, I'm only delaying the inevitable with WAR!

Scarybooster said...

I want to try Bad Company 2. I just blazed through MW2 and want more war

Jayedub said...

Well you might as well wait for Medal of Honor next week. It hopefully will have a better single-player story, and the multiplayer seems like a good mix of MW2 and BFBC2.