Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Space Hulk: Deathwing....Sigh...

I am a big Warhammer fan - of both the 40k and fantasy variety. Now I've never played the miniatures game nor spent time painting little figures and setting up huge battlefields, but I have read some of the literature and played many of the video games since learning about Warhammer back in high school.

One of my fondest memories from high school was during the summer staying up late at a friends house with a group of buddies playing the Space Hulk boardgame. There's no one instance in particular that stands out from those times, just that we all had a great time.

So when I saw Space Hulk: Deathwing, naturally I was excited. So much so I went and even pre-ordered the game. Unfortunately Deathwing is not a very good game. That's not to say that it doesn't have its moments; for the first couple of days I was genuinely excited to come home and play the game. However, that feeling wore off quickly when I realized that there's very little substance to Deathwing. All you do is move slowly through a space hulk, killing waves of enemies while completing monotonous and arduous tasks. It's not a fun game.

Yes I did complete the game, but I did not want to spend hours upon hours to do so, so I used some cheats to get through the game as quickly as possible. Did I ruin the experience? I don't think so, if anything it made the game a bit more tolerable.

If Space Hulk: Deathwing is a game you're interested in but are unsure of, I highly recommend watching Atomic Facepalm's Played In Full Deathwing review. It's quite entertaining and spot on with how I felt about the game.

If you enjoyed the video then please visit Atomic Facepalm's Youtube page, give them a like and be sure to check out their other videos while there. You can even subscribe if you so desire.

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