Thursday, January 17, 2013

Insert Witty Title Here.

This poor blog, seems like I don't give it the time and respect that I once did years ago. It's definitely not from a lack of inspiration, it's more like a lack of motivation mixed with laziness with the ability to waste time. So really this is a post to myself in an attempt to motivate me to post more, besides I always have something silly to say and it's great writing practice.

So what have I been up to the past few months? Playing lots of games. Actually there haven't been too many games so I've been spending quite a bit of time gaming. The game that has grabed the most attention from me is Hitman Absolution - the game is bloody brilliant! Sure it's not perfect, but it is pretty darn good and I do like the new direction the game has gone to. Yes Blood Money is an exceptional game, but sometimes things need to be shaken up a bit to avoid that sequal-itis feeling. Personally I believe that most who criticize Absolution give up on the game early on and never actually get to experience just how great this game really is.

I've also had a hankering for some sort of fantasy RPG gameplay and not necessarily the party kind of game like Dragon Age II (which is a wonderful game). Been playing Borderlands 2 quite a bit lately and as fun as it is, it's kind of too long and I just want to bash something in the face with a sword of mace of some type. I think Skyrim would work to fulfil this desire, but I think what I'm really feeling is a pull towards the MMO again.

I have Guild Wars 2 that I haven't played in a month, but I'm looking for something with good questing, not that crappy run around the land doing errands for people garbage questing that GW2 has. At one point I almost entertained the idea of returning to World of Warcraft, but quickly squashed that idea. Instead I think it's about time to sub to Rift, a game that I've enjoyed quite a bit while playing the F2P portion. I figure between Rift, Eq2 and something single-player I should satiate that fantasy sword bashing thirst.

In the coming weeks I think I'm going to do some sort of best of and worst of type posts for my 2012 gaming. I don't think I'll have anything unique of interesting to say that will differ from others, but it's something I want to do so I will.

So here's hoping that 2013 is a better year for me personally on the blogging front!


RooksBailey said...

When it comes to writing for our blogs, we seem to be in the same boat. I finally got a posting up there after almost four weeks of no activity.

As for me, I just finished the original Borderlands in prep for the sequel, and now I think I might actually try Farcry 3. I wasn't interested in the game all that much because of the setting, but it is getting such rave reviews I figure it might be worth a try, especially seeing how there is NOTHING on the horizon for the next few months (March-April, maybe?).

Jayedub said...

That reminds me, I need to update my reader, it's been a long while and I don't have your blog on there. I added it to my blogroll ages ago.

Borderlands was fun and Borderlands 2 is less of sequelal in gameplay and more like version 1.5. It's pretty darn good, but I would wait a bit to play it if I was you, it's just as long as the first one and that maybe too much Borderlands for one person!

I've heard nothing but great things about Far Cry 3. I loved the second game and I do want to get this one at some point, I'm just a litleeryeary about having to use Uplay in order to play the game. Not that it's buggy, just having another client to play a game is my issue.

RooksBailey said...

Yeah, I'm going to try and wait for the Borderlands 2 GotY edition so I can get all the DLC at once. Meanwhile, I think I am going to do some of the DLC for the original to keep busy. Claptrap's Robot Revolution seems to feed right into the end of the main campaign, so I will probably start there when I get the itch to return to Pandora.

As for Far Cry 3, I got it for an early B-Day present. I went in with low expectations - the setting didn't really interest me, and I have no experience with the franchise - but the game blew me away after playing it for two hours. It's like some crazy mix of Deus Ex (for the sneaking and stealth kills), Skyrim/Arma (for the open world exploration and combat mechanics), GTA 4 (for criminal hijinks) and Fallout 3 (for survival skills)! It really is an amazing mix. But the game is also winning me over because Ubi has made a number of smart changes to standard shooter mechanics. For example, I like how the game automatically pulls your weapon close when you are hugging some clover. Or how it automatically holsters your weapon when you are in a friendly area. Smart stuff like that.

The only negative I have so far is, like you said, needing to install UPlay. It is silly that I have to launch Steam, to launch UPlay, to launch the game. I will say that UPlay has an interesting gimmick, though. Like a F2P MMO, you can unlock points in Far Cry that you can then spend in UPlay to buy additional content for the game. Clever!