Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sucked In.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Turkey Day!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Fallen Earth tidbits.
Return to Middle Earth.

Recently Turbine had a welcome back week just this past week for LOTRO, so I decided to give the game a try, again. I have played LOTRO off and on since beta and for what ever reason the game just doesn't hold my attention for very long.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dub's Diatribe featured at
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Chaos Rising Dev Diary
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Happy LOTRO time.
Enough said.
The early reviews of this game were conducted at a hotel under Activision's supervision, using the console version of the game. The launch party in New York featured the 360 version of the game. We were sent the Prestige Edition of the game the day of release for coverage. Very few people at the company seem to care that yes, there is a PC port of the game.
Well, we care, dammit. Call of Duty came from the PC gaming scene, and it was there that it was popularized. Yes, consoles are now the dominant form of gaming from a financial standpoint, but it's sad to see a game that has such a rich history on our favorite platform feel so neglected in its newest incarnation. The port of the single-player campaign is strong; the game looks, plays, and feels incredible on a capable gaming PC. The Special Ops missions are perfect if you're in the mood for a teeny-tiny LAN party (although of course you'll both need Steam accounts to play), but the multiplayer offerings feel like Infinity Ward is trying to cram a round peg into a square hole.
It's not what we're used to, it's not what we want, and the changes made to the online matchmaking set-up and lack of dedicated servers negatively change the online experience. It's just that simple.
There is no easy verdict here, but I'm going to say skip the PC version. Why? The single-player is over quickly. The Special Ops missions are great but there are better co-op games out there. The multiplayer is going to be huge on consoles, but on the PC it's just crippled. There is a lot of fun to be had here, but there are way better ways to spend your money, especially with the $60 price.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Aion Review

Sunday, November 8, 2009
No more to say.
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's not Steam.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Infinity Ward loves consoles, hates PC's.
Questions were fielded live by online users, and understandably there were numerous questions concerning features of the PC version in light of various controversies which have surfaced on the web lately.
A transcript of the session can be found on mygameclan.
Notable answers on answers to questions raised include:
- the ability to lean has been removed;
- there is no function to record matches;
- the largest matches will be limited to 9 v 9 players;
- will determine who should be the host player.
When directly asked if MW2 on PC was simply a port of the console version, Mackey responded "No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings".
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This just in; Dragon Age is awesome!
My two complaints; trying to redeem my promo codes for my preorder was more than a pain, and there just is TOO much blood in the game. I am all for gore, but this is silly honestly.