Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blog question.

Thanks to Ysharros I have discovered the wonderful world of Google Reader, and as such my blog following has grown ten fold. But I was wondering if there is an easy way to track comments, not just for one post but for a whole blog?

I was also wondering what other blog reader type services there are that others use. I like Google Reader and so far it seems easy to use, but if there was something better I would like to give it a try.


Ysharros said...

If there's a clever way to track comments, I don't know about it. You can subscribe to comments, as you note -- dunno how one would do it for an entire blog though.

Not sure one would want to. :D Blogs are fairly ephemeral, after all.

DM Osbon said...

I use google reader and I find it does the 'job'. Haven't looked elsewhere...

Jayedub said...

Yeah, I like Google reader too, so I will stick with that.