Saturday, January 8, 2011

The year that was and the year that might not be!

Blogging is often fun, can be interesting and is very time consuming. For me it's also difficult at times. I personally don't think I am a bad writer but it is often a painful process of writing, re-writing and just being able to convey thoughts in my mind in such a way that someone reading them can understand. Now if that sounds normal then let me know. I feel that my lack of motivation and inconsistency with blogging has to do with me wondering why I am blogging in the first place.

I love to write, and blogging is a way for me to practice at writing. But I have grown increasingly negative towards what I call OpEd blog posts. I tire of the armchair developers constantly coming out against such and such game cause it's not like the old days and how this game or that game won't be successful unless it does this or that. Or how about the unhealthy amount of comments that come from something as inane as posting a quote from another blog or article. Then there are those who seeming never participate in the very conversation that they created with their post.

But as I was writing this I had an epiphany of sorts - isn't that which I dislike about blogging the very reason why there is this thing called blogging? I believe the answer to be yes and then some. I view blogging as an online journal if you will, but who am I to tell someone else how or what to write.

I am very fortunate that there are those who will read and even comment on my blog and I am extremely grateful for it. I am also grateful for the friendships that I have developed over the past year and a half just from blogging. A big hearty thank you to all those who have taken the time visit my meager blog.

I do hope to write more, unfortunately I don't have an MMO that I am playing so it remains to be seen if I can find something interesting to write about. Until next time, stay classy blogosphere!


Scarybooster said...

I like your blog. I'm not sure if that helps. I like your writing.

Jayedub said...

I don't know how to tell you this Scary, but you too...bro hug time!

Thanks for the kind words!

Yeebo said...

I started my blog precisely because of what i disliked about some of the other blogs I had been reading. In general I thought there was a bit too much snarkyness and negativity about a hobby i really enjoy. I also use my blog as a way to practice writing as a craft. I don't have to polish to the degree that I do with my professional work (sciency), and so it gives me a space to play around and see what kind of reactions I get.

And for what it's worth, this is one of my favorite blogs :-)

Jayedub said...

Ok, you had me up until you said this is one of your favorite blogs. Where's Yeebo and what have you done with him!

Seriously, thanks for the kind words.

kaozz said...

I enjoy reading your blog! You really hit a lot of truths about blogging.

All you can really do is post about things that you enjoy. Sometimes I post on topics I don't really feel up to and the post feels hazy and kind of meh. Other times I post about things that I'm really passionate about and I wonder if I said too much ha!

'Then there are those who seeming never participate in the very conversation that they created with their post.' I tend to keep away from those types of blogs. There are a few I will no longer comment on.

Keep up the good work and you can always come play WoW with some of us bloggers ;)

mbp said...

Another vote from a regular reader Jaye. So what if you don't feel like writing about games. Its your blog you can write about anything that interests you.

Jayedub said...

You guys are just way too nice, you know that!

Anonymous said...

"I personally don't think I am a bad writer but it is often a painful process of writing, re-writing and just being able to convey thoughts in my mind in such a way that someone reading them can understand. Now if that sounds normal then let me know."

Don't worry, that sounds completely normal. It's scary how much I can relate to all that, really, because I'm the same way; I know I spend way more time than I should banging out a post, but sometimes it can be a challenge to organize my thoughts and write them out in a coherent manner. If blogging is something you like to do for fun though, just don't ever let it become a chore :) Here's hoping for another great year for Dub's Diatribe!

Slurms said...

I hate your stupid blog!

Okay, I just wanted to be different...

I just blog because I enjoy the discussion about games, and I'm fortunate enough to have lured some people like yourself into adding your thoughts to our site.

Keep on writing, we'll keep reading!

Jayedub said...

Thank goodness someone finally agrees with me cause I hate this blog too!

Ok, so now I'm starting get a little embarrassed, you people need to stop trolling my blog with all your kind comments!

Thank you all!