I was just thinking today how I have posted more this month than I have any other month since starting this blog. I don't know why really, it's not like I have anything really interesting to say, but it could be that I am a bit more dedicated to at least getting off my butt and just posting something.
So when I was looking at the number of posts for each month, I noticed that I started this blog last year, August 3rd to be exact. And what is funny is that my first post was about my Age of Conan review I did!
Well I've done it, I have finally written another review. Sure, it comes about ten months after my first try at a review, but that's alright.This review is for the MMO Age of Conan, you can find it here. I want to thank the good people at GameSquad.com for helping me with the review as well as posting it on their site.The game has plenty of issues, but I still find myself enjoying the game. I feel guilty about that because it's not really that good of a game. It's not WoW or EQ2, both are much better games with far more content, but I want to play AoC.I think it boils down to a few reasons; the graphics are pretty, I love the combat, and it's a low fantasy setting unlike the two games I mentioned earlier. You won't find any elves or dwarfs running around here.Maybe I'll go back to Lord of the Rings Online...
What I find interesting is that I am currently playing AoC, and loving it, and I do have a sub to LOTRO as well. I have played so many MMO's over the year, and I am playing the two games that I mentioned a year ago.
I am not as popular as many of the bloggers out there, and I rarely get a comment, and I am fine with that. With great popularity comes great responsibility and scrutiny! But to all those who have checked out the blog or have left a comment over the year, I say thank you. Hopefully this coming year I might have something more interesting to say, but I doubt it!!!
I always read :D I just don't always comment, especially on blogger which seems to hate chrome for some reason. (Still, I should be less lazy - your site is at least one of the easiest blogger types to comment on, for which much props.)
Thanks Ysh. Don't worry about being lazy tho, I am the same way, and I am sure I have far less sites in my reader. Guess that makes me really lazy, oh well!
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