So when I thought about writing a blog, my wife asked me why. Well, my first answer was that I have been reading some other blogs, and I liked how some people would use the blog to update their progress through a game they are currently playing, and I thought that would be cool to do. But of course after I set up the blog, I go and cancel all my MMO subs, so I guess I will have to get a bit creative for game play updates!
My second answer to the question was, why the heck not! See I often have a bit of free time on my hands while at work, kind of like now. So instead of talking randomly out loud to myself, I can just type it in blog form, and thus feel as though I have accomplished something with my day!
Well, yesterday was my birthday. All in all it was a good b-day, went out to dinner, bought a few movies and a new hard drive for my computer. The only unfortunate part is that I had to work, which normally I ask for off. But we are training a new employee who should be ready to work on her own in a few weeks. Till then, it's more six day work weeks, argh!
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